Saturday, November 15, 2008

Procrastination or not?

Well, I have been procrastinating by doing things I have been putting off for awhile.

What I was supposed to do today:
1) Write exams
2) Write exams
3) Write exams

What I did
1) Submitted medical receipts for reimbursement
2) Cleaned out my car-- the beach bag, bike helmet, tennis racquet, and swimsuit do not need to be in at the same time as the skis, ski boots, and snow shoes
3) Organized all my receipts from my wallet and cleaned out my purses
4) E-mailed someone I have wanted to e-mail since May
5) Organized my pantry- I found 5 each of the following: onion soup mixes, diet peach iced tea mix, white beans, boxes of spaghetti, and artichoke hearts (note to self: check before I grocery shop and I am not going to need to go shopping for awhile)

Now, I am going to really write my exams, which are due first thing on Monday!!!


Hopsy said...

Uh, I loathe cleaning out purses. It takes a lot to motivate me to do it, but the end result is well worth it.

Pink Pearls & Muddy Sneakers said...

Aww I love the little note the student wrote you :) I am new to blogs, but I love yours! I am seriously considering switching gears to teach, and I love to live vicariously through you. Stop by my blog if you'd like ~ :) Good luck with exam-writing!