- Saturday night, I got in my perfectly maintained car and the "Check Engine" light was on. I asked a male friend about it and he told me to go to an Autozone store and get the code off their reader. I did, of course frantically between class and field hockey, and some EGR valve had a problem. Oh no, I thought, I have to go away this weekend and cannot be driving with this problem and I cannot get to the Honda dealership (it is still under warranty) before the weekend. Thankfully, I brought it in to my local garage and I got a call from them-- a squierl had eaten through part of a valve and it cost a mere $23.85 to replace! I thought this repair was going to blow my Lilly budget--yippee!
- Oh yes, the Lilly sale, I was going to have to be on campus that day, but the other person from my dorm is going to switch with me. I am going on Thursday, but if anyone wants to meet up Friday night in King of Prussia, let me know!
- A kid in my class was being a HUGE pain... he now is going to be switched into another class- yeah!
- The boy that took me on a lovely date two weeks ago had not called or e-mailed... He wrote me on Friday and called on Saturday!
So, for now, all is well en le vie de LPP... I will wait until the next round of stresses comes and hopefully will have faith that everything will work out just like this past week!